

The wilaya of Mostaganem has a culture house (960 places), a regional school of fine arts, a green theater, 04 libraries including one recently réceptionnée university and 36 cultural centers spread all the communes of the Wilaya.

Cultural activity is characterized by the organization of three annual festivals that are important national amateur theater festival (Mostaganem) and that of the Bedouin song (Ain Tedeles) and commemoration of Sidi Lakhdar Benkhlouf.


1- History and Geography:

1-1 History:

MUSTAGHANIM would consist of two separate terms :

MACHTA (winter station) and GHANEM (rich breeder of sheep).

MOSTAGANEM: MARSA HAMUDI it means the port of booty

MOSTAGANEM: would the MISK EL GHANEM it means abundance of flocks. Finally, for some historians of antiquity is rather a Roman seaport «MURUSTAGA».
